
Passive standard

The Energetic is an advanced system based on S9000 profiles with a central seal for windows, doors and lift-slide doors. The use of standard reinforcement makes the system suitable for use in passive houses.


Safe and sturdy design

Application of reinforcement adds a seventh chamber to the frame. This results in an extremely rigid window with an optimal balance between statics and thermal insulation.

  • Frame and wing with 6 chambers
  • 82.5 mm installation depth
  • Steel reinforcement adds a seventh chamber to the frame
  • Smooth frame surface for easy maintenance
  • Intelligent sealing concept with three sealing levels
  • Cold rolled and galvanized reinforcement, frame 1.5 mm wide, wing 1.5 mm wide
  • Central gasket in the form of a rebate
  • Thermal insulation. Intelligent sealing concept with up to three levels of end-to-end sealing. An additional gasket for better thermal insulation and improved moisture resistance of the fitting.
  • Heat and energy insulation. Very good thermal and sound insulation thanks to the six-chamber design and a built-in depth of 82.5 mm for the frame and sash.
  • Optimized for the use of STV technology. Maximum attainable wing height: 2.5 m
    Improved statics
  • More light
  • Slim profiles of 110 mm make it possible to install larger windows, allowing much more light into rooms.